1. Martial Arts Styles
  2. Asian Martial Arts Styles
  3. Judo

Everything You Need to Know About Judo

Learn all about Judo, a Japanese martial art that focuses on throwing and grappling techniques. Get an overview of the history, rules and techniques involved in the martial art.

Everything You Need to Know About Judo

Judo is an ancient Japanese martial art, known for its physical and mental discipline. It is a form of unarmed combat that combines throws, holds, strikes, and joint locks to defeat an opponent. Its practitioners strive to use the least amount of force possible to overcome their opponents. Through judo, practitioners develop physical and mental strength and agility, as well as respect for themselves and others.

In this article, we'll explore the history and principles of judo, as well as provide tips for getting started. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this article will help you understand the basics of judo, the different types of techniques used, and the rules and regulations that come along with it. We'll also provide some tips on how to choose the best judo school, what to expect during practice, and how to make the most of your judo journey. So if you're looking to learn more about this fascinating martial art, read on to discover everything you need to know about judo!The sport of Judo was created in 1882 by Jigoro Kano, who was a student of traditional Japanese Jujutsu styles. Kano wanted to create a new martial art that focused on using opponents’ momentum against them in order to control or throw them. This would make it possible for smaller people to defend themselves against bigger opponents.

Kano named his style Kodokan Judo, which translates to “the way of gentleness”. He formulated a set of rules that would make the practice of Judo safer and more accessible to everyone. Judo is divided into three primary categories: Nage-waza (throwing techniques), Katame-waza (grappling techniques) and Atemi-waza (striking techniques).


is the most important category of Judo techniques, and most competitions are focused on this aspect of the martial art. The goal is to throw your opponent onto their back with enough force to score an ippon (one point).

Throwing techniques can be divided into two categories: te-waza (hand techniques) and koshi-waza (hip techniques).


is the second major category of Judo techniques. These are grappling techniques used to control and submit your opponent. The most common technique is osaekomi-waza, which involves holding your opponent in a certain position for a certain amount of time. Other Katame-waza techniques include shime-waza (strangulation techniques) and kansetsu-waza (joint locks).


is the final category of Judo techniques.

These are striking techniques used to distract or disrupt your opponent’s balance before attempting a throw or submission. Atemi-waza are not allowed in most competitions, but they are still taught in some dojos as part of the overall Judo curriculum. In addition to these three main categories of techniques, Judo also includes Kata, which are prearranged forms that demonstrate specific principles or combinations of movements. Kata are used as a teaching tool for students to learn the basic principles and movements of Judo.


Nage-waza (throwing techniques) is the core of Judo. It involves a wide range of throwing techniques, from standing holds and locks, to tosses and pins.

The goal of nage-waza is to use leverage and balance to throw an opponent off their feet or onto their back.


(grappling techniques) is a set of holds and locks used to control an opponent. It includes various pinning and choking techniques, as well as joint locks and strangles. The goal of katame-waza is to gain submission from an opponent by using pain or pressure.


(striking techniques) is a set of striking techniques used to disrupt an opponent's balance or posture.

These techniques are used mainly to create openings for throws, but can also be used to cause pain or to distract an opponent. The goal of atemi-waza is to create an opening for a nage-waza or katame-waza technique.

History Of Judo

Judo is a martial art that was created in Japan by Jigoro Kano in 1882. He sought to create a sport that would be accessible to all, and developed judo as a way to practice physical and mental strength while also learning self-defense. Since its inception, judo has grown in popularity, becoming an official Olympic event in 1964. Kano's original teachings included a combination of jujutsu techniques, which were modified to reduce the risk of injury. He also incorporated various principles and philosophies into his teachings, such as maximum efficiency, mutual welfare and benefit, and the cultivation of character.

These principles continue to be part of judo today. Over the years, judo has become an international phenomenon, with millions of practitioners around the world. It is now one of the most popular martial arts, and is widely practiced in many countries. The International Judo Federation (IJF) is the governing body for judo worldwide, and holds world championships each year. In addition to the IJF, there are many local and regional judo organizations that promote the sport and host competitions. Judo continues to evolve as a martial art, with new techniques and strategies being developed all the time.

It remains one of the most popular sports in the world, and continues to grow in popularity each year.


Kata are formal exercises in judo that involve two practitioners. During kata, practitioners demonstrate the various techniques and principles of judo. Kata is an important part of training in judo as it allows practitioners to practice and perfect the various techniques without the risk of injury. Kata also helps practitioners learn to use their entire body effectively and gain muscle memory. Kata is also important for developing mental discipline and focus.

Practicing the same movements over and over helps strengthen the neural pathways in the brain, which can help improve coordination and enhance memory. Practicing kata can also help develop a feeling of flow, which is a mental state where practitioners can move with ease and perform complex techniques with confidence. Kata also helps practitioners to better understand and apply the principles of judo. By learning how to apply techniques properly, judoka will be able to use their techniques more effectively in sparring or competition. Practicing kata can also help judoka understand how techniques can be combined to create powerful combinations. Kata is an important part of judo training and is essential for any judoka who wants to become a proficient practitioner of the martial art.

Kata training can help improve technique, coordination, mental discipline, and flow.

Rules And Scoring

Judo is governed by a set of rules and regulations that are enforced by referees in judo competitions. The International Judo Federation (IJF) is the governing body of judo, and they provide a detailed set of rules that competitors must follow. In competition, matches are divided into two periods of three minutes each, with a 30-second break between them. During the match, each competitor attempts to score points by throwing their opponent or pinning them down.

Points are awarded for throws, hold-downs, and pins, and the competitor with the highest score at the end of the match wins. The most common type of scoring in judo is the Ippon score. An Ippon is scored when a competitor throws their opponent to the ground with force, immobilizes them for 25 seconds, or pins them for 25 seconds. An Ippon ends the match, and is worth one full point.

Other types of scores include Waza-ari (half-point), Yuko (quarter-point), and Koka (eighth-point). A Waza-ari is scored when a competitor throws their opponent to the ground without force, immobilizes them for 20 seconds, or pins them for 20 seconds. A Yuko is scored when a competitor throws their opponent to the ground with some force, immobilizes them for 15 seconds, or pins them for 15 seconds. A Koka is scored when a competitor throws their opponent to the ground with some force but not enough to score a Yuko, immobilizes them for 10 seconds, or pins them for 10 seconds.

In addition to throws and pins, competitors can also score points by applying holds or joint locks on their opponents. Holds and joint locks can be used to immobilize an opponent and earn points, but must be released immediately once the referee calls “matte”. Points can also be deducted from a competitor’s score for various reasons, such as illegal techniques or unsportsmanlike conduct. The referee has complete control over the match and can award points or deduct points as necessary. Judo is an incredibly popular martial art that has been practiced for over a century.

It is a full-contact sport with an emphasis on throwing and grappling techniques, but it also includes striking techniques and kata forms. Through understanding the history, rules, scoring, techniques and kata of Judo, practitioners can become an effective practitioner of this martial art. It is an Olympic event since 1964 and continues to grow in popularity around the world.

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